Procedure for IEEE UAE Section Technical Sponsorship of Conferences and Symposiums

IEEE UAE section aims to promote research and innovations in UAE through the technical sponsorship of conferences, symposiums, workshops, seminars, and any other technical events. The organizers seeking IEEE technical sponsorship are advised to follow the following procedure:

Phase 1: Initial Approval

  1. Please fill this form 
  2. The organizers must comply with IEEE UAE section Requirements for Technical Sponsorship stated below. These requirements can be addressed in the conference full description document. The organizers must provide a signed undertaking that they will adhere to the requirements.
  3. The request should be submitted at least one year prior to the event. Late submissions will be looked at on a case-by-case basis, MOU might be rejected by IEEE.
  4. The IEEE-UAE section’s technical activities and conferences chair will process the request and send it to the IEEE UAE Section Executive Committee for a decision on initial approval or rejection of the event. The chair of the technical activities and conferences will subsequently inform the organizers of the technical event about the decision of the said committee.

Phase 2: MoU and Final Approval

  1. Upon receiving the initial approval the organizers should register the conference with the IEEE by visiting IEEE Conference and Event Registration page and completing the relevant form:
  2. The IEEE Headquarters staff generate the MoU that will need to be signed by the conference organizers and the IEEE UAE Section Chair.
  3. The organizers should send a regular update to the technical activities and conferences chair regarding the implementation of the technical requirements.
  4. The organizers must provide confirmation of the free registrations stated above (a minimum of 5 IEEE UAE members and 10 IEEE UAE student members) at least one month before the start of the conference. The organizers should coordinate the said registrations with IEEE-UAE section’s technical activities and conferences chair. You must indicate in the MOU that the conference organizers will be responsible for paying your portion of the fees of US$1,450 per event and US$22 per paper.


  1. Papers should be peer-reviewed based on full papers, not abstracts, with clear minimum and maximum page requirements.
  2. Each paper must have a minimum of three independent reviewers who cannot be affiliated with the same institute or have a conflict of interest with any of the authors.
  3. A similarity check must be conducted for all submitted papers using a professional tool. The conference must specify a threshold percentage for considering papers for the review process, which should not exceed 30%.
  4. All papers must be included in a conference proceeding with page numbers (electronic or hardcopy) and must be published in IEEE Xplore.
  5. The Technical Program Committee should be diverse and should not be limited to a single country or institution.
  6. The Organizing Committee are encouraged to include active members from the IEEE UAE section.
  7. IEEE members should be offered a registration fee discount of at least 20%.
  8. The conference organizers are encouraged to invite a representative from the IEEE UAE section to give a brief talk about IEEE activities during the opening ceremony of the conference and may also provide a desk to the IEEE UAE section during the conference to promote IEEE activities.
  9. The organizers are encouraged to provide free registrations for IEEE UAE section bearers and selected IEEE UAE student members who can also provide volunteer service to the conference.
  10. The IEEE UAE section will not have any financial liability towards the conference. Conference organizers will commit to pay publication fees to IEEE. You must state in the MOU that the conference organizers will be responsible for paying your portion of the fees of US$1,450 per event and US$22 per paper.
  11. The conference chair(s), the technical program chair(s), and the publications chair(s) of the conference or the symposium should be listed on the conference website and Call for Papers (CFP). All individuals in these roles must be active IEEE members, and their membership numbers should be provided.
  12. The conference should specify a maximum acceptance rate, which must adhere to IEEE standards. IEEE recommends a maximum acceptance rate of 50% for international conferences, with the possibility of going up to 60% if the quality justifies it.
  13. The conference must indicate whether it will be held in a physical, hybrid, or virtual format. Additionally, a no-show policy should be established if quality considerations warrant it.
  14. A professional conference management system must be utilized, and IEEE recommends using EDAS, as it offers integrated similarity check, conflict of interest detection, and clear information about proceedings.
  15. Please provide statistics and information about previous editions, including the submission system used, number of full paper submissions, number of reviews per paper, acceptance rate (based on full paper submissions), and similarity check results, among other relevant data.
  16. The IEEE UAE section may require a review of reviews and papers before they are submitted to IEEE for publications.
  17. The Conference Organizing Committee must declare that they have obtained the consent of all individuals listed on the website and CFP.
  18. The conference organizers need to provide a booth to promote UAE student sections.
  19. Conference organizers must use the IEEE UAE section logo on the CFP and conference website. Download Logo
  20. Conference organizers CANNOT use IEEE logo, and must not use “IEEE” prefix before conference name, unless the conference is financially cosponsored by IEEE or sponsored by an IEEE society chapter directly.